Here is my overall score on the MC. I got a 45/50, which is a 90

Question 10: Boolean Expressions equavalent to num greater than or equal to 15 (Skill 2.B)(Lesson 3.5)

I got the answer right, but I had to think about it for a bit.The expression (num > 15) or (num = 15) evaluates to true if (num > 15) is true, or if (num = 15) is true, or if both are true. The original expression evaluates to true if num is greater than or equal to 15.

Question 12: Controlling an elevator in a building (Skill 2.B)(Lesson 3.5)

I got this question wrong. I originally thought the answe was (onFloor1 AND callto2) AND (onFloor2 AND callTo1). However, the answer was (onFloor1 AND callTo2) OR (onFloor2 and callTo1). This was simply an error on my part because I read the answer choices entirely wrong. I should have been more careful with what I picked because the similarity between choice A and B are nearly unnoticable.

Question 17: Select equivalent to boolean expression (Skill 1.D)(Lessons 3.6-3.9)

Again, I misread what the question was asking. It asked for two answer choices, yet I only selected one. The answer was A and D but I only picked A and moved on. I think I need to be more careful with the answers I pick.

Question 26: Result of call to procedure Mystery (Skill 4.B)(Lesson 3.8)

For this question I picked D, which had the robot in the center of the grid facing up. Although this is a possible location for the robot to end up in, it wasn’t facing in the correct direction. The robot should have been facing downward. Therefore, the correct answer is A, which has the robot in the center of the 5th row on the grid, facing to the left.

Question 28: Robot in bottom right corner of grid (Skill 2.b)(Lessons 3.8)

I got this answer wrong because I selected answer B. It was wrong because with each iteration of the Repeat 4 times loop, the robot will move two squares to the left and will remain facing up. On the third iteration of this loop, the robot will attempt to move to a square that is beyond the edge of the grid. At this point, the robot will stay in the lower-left square and the program will then stop. That is not supposed to happen. Therefore, the answers are A and C, both of which correctly execute what needed to be done. For A, each iteration of the Repeat 4 times loop, allows the robot to move one square to the left and one square up and will remain facing up. After four of these iterations, the robot will finish in the gray square. For C, after one iteration of the Repeat 2 times loop, the robot will end up in the upper-right square facing to the left. After the second iteration of the Repeat 2 times loop, the robot will end up in the upper-left square facing down. Both od these result in the robot ending in the gray square.

Question 30: use drawCircle to draw figure on a coordinate grid (Skilll 3.b)(Lessons 3.8-3.12)

For this one, I selected only one answer because I read the question wrong. It asked for 2 answers. I don’t know why I selected A which drew the circle before anything was defined in the program. I think that was a silly error on my part. I was probably getting confused with answer choice C which defined different numbers to x y and r.

Question 34: binary search on a list of 500 elements (Skill 1.d)(Lesson 3.11)

I didn’t get this question wrong, but I had to google binary search and what it does because I forgot about it. I remember learning about it in one of the student’s presentations and it was helpful to refer back to those notes. Essentially, binary search is a search algoritihim used in a sorted array by repeadtely dividing the search results in half. This speeds up the process of searching rather than counting every single thing.

Question 41: Simulating election votes (Skill 2.b)(Lesson 3.15)

Again, I didn’t get this question wrong, but it took me some time to answer. Essentially, the answer is A because the statement Random (1 , 5) could evaluate to 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. There is a one out of five (20 %) chance that it could evaluate to 1. If this happens, the value of sum is increased by 1, which simulates a person voting for the candidate.

Question 50: ASCII character in hexidecimal (Skill 3.c)(Lesson 2.1)

I was having trouble understanding what ASCII did and I had to search it up. I didn’t get the question wrong, but I just wanted to research more. Its basically a standard data-encoding format for electronic communication between computers.

Overall Reflection

Something I noticed with collegeboard tests are that they like to test a lot of logic and “flow” questions. Being able to carefully interpret what type of questions is going to be important in order to get a 5 on the exam. Lots of it is common sense, but they like to trick you. I think with constant practice and reviewing, doing well on the Multiple Choice section is doable. I am pretty pleased with the score I got on the test, as many of it reflects the things we’ve done in class. I will continually review the concepts I struggled with, and do my best to score a 50/50 on both this trimester’s final exam and the AP Exam.