Here is my overall score on the quiz. I got a 47/50 which is a 94%.

Question 26: Data compression and its use

I got this question wrong because I didn’t realize that there are methods in which compressed data files can return to its original state. I thought in every compression process, some data was lost. However, the only thing that is true is that there are trade-offs but nothing lost. Concept questions like these should be easy for me to get right in the future.

Question 39: Displaying random values in a loop

I got this question wrong because I didn’t realize that the first number displayed must be 1. The second number displayed could be 1 or 2. The third number displayed could be 1, 2, or 3. The last number displayed could be 1, 2, 3, or 4. So 1 1 1 1 is a possible output. The correct answer was D (1 3 2 4), which is right because in the second iteration of the loop, i is equal to 2. Thus RANDOM(1, i) returns either 1 or 2. So, the output 1 3 2 4 is not possible.

Question 44: Use of procedure to search a dictionary

I got this question wrong because I didn’t know that the student cannot modify the search procedure’s code or internal abstractions, the argument passed to the search procedure must be a word, not a definition. C is correct because the student knows that the procedure searches for a value without knowing how it does the searching. This is an example of the use of procedural abstraction.

Questions that I found confusing a little bit: Question 27: RGB values in digital images

I got this question right but I had to research a little bit before arriving to the answer. I learned that if a negative of the original image is made, each RGB triplet value will be computed by subtracting the original value from 255. The original value can then be restored by subtracting the new value from 255. This process is lossless because the exact original can be restored. This is why C is correct.


Overall, I don’t think I did too bad on this quiz. I am getting better and better at analyzing each question and going at a faster speed as well. In addition, I can see my scores going up each week, which is a good sign. However, I feel like I could continue to improve and fine-tune my skills so that I can succeed in the AP Exam.