I scored a 66/66 which is a 100%

Some questions I had trouble on, though

Question 47:

I had to look up what cryptography was to gain further information about the topic.

Question 51

I wasn’t too familiar with what symmetric encryption was so I had to look it up in order to answer the question. I also didn’t know that secret key is used for both encryption and decryption of messages.

Question 66

I was pretty confused on the answer choices for this one. I was able to understand answer choice D pretty quickly, which returned 30 as the final output, which is not the min. However, it took me some time to understand why choice C was also correct. For the list (30, 40, 20, 10) the procedure returns 20, which is not the least value in the list.


Overall, I didn’t have much trouble with this MC. Beside from simply not knowing a couple of things, I feel like I did pretty well. I am going to continue practicing these MCS in order to get more practice so I can try and get a 5 on the exam.