Logic Gates

  1. How can logic gates be used to execute basic computer functions? Digital circuits can be constructed with the help of logic gates. Additionally, these gates play a vital role in fundamental computer operations as they are required to process binary data through the use of Boolean logic operations. This facilitates intricate decision-making processes.

  2. What is the difference between boolean operations and logic gates? The logic gates and Boolean operations are distinct entities, as the latter are executed by the former. The logic operations serve as the housing for the various gates, which utilize Boolean data to carry out operations such as AND, OR, NOT, and XOR.

  3. Complete this quiz and correct any mistakes in your blog

Binary Logic Hacks

Data Compression Hacks

  • Lossless compression techniques identify patterns in data and use shorter codes to represent them, while ensuring that the compressed data can be completely reconstructed without any loss of information. Some examples of lossless compression techniques are Huffman coding, Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression, and DEFLATE.

  • In contrast, lossy compression techniques discard some data permanently based on its perceived importance or perceptibility to the human senses. This allows for higher compression rates, but the reconstructed data will not be an exact copy of the original data. Lossy compression is typically used for media files like images, audio, and video, where small visual or auditory imperfections are generally tolerable. Some examples of lossy compression techniques are JPEG, MP3, and MPEG.

Github Pages Hacks

Firebase is a widely used service for hosting websites, thanks to its numerous advantages and friendly UI. Its hosting features are speedy, secure, and cost-free, with dependable databases. It simplifies the app development process and offers backend services, resulting in a seamless full-stack experience. Firebase caters to individuals who require a platform for user-generated content, and it enables lossless document transfers while accommodating a variety of media formats such as images, audio, and video.

Conversion Exercises

Binary Addition

Convert Binary to decimal in JavaScript.

Convert Binary to decimal in JavaScript using the Math.pow() method.

The decimal of 101000 is.

The decimal of 11101010101 is.

Binary Math Hacks

Question: How do you think we should find the difference of two binary numbers? The product? The quotient? What rules need to be followed for those operations? Look into all of this on the Internet and note down important information you find (0.45)

  • To subtract binary numbers, the process is similar to subtracting base 10 numbers. When 0 is subtracted from 1, it is necessary to borrow 1 from the next higher bit, reducing that bit by 1 and leaving a remainder of 1.
  • When multiplying binary numbers, the product is either the binary number itself or 0. To calculate, shift the non-zero multiplier to the left and add the shifted numbers together.
  • To divide two binary numbers, certain rules apply, and division by 0 is impossible. When the divisor is greater than the dividend, set the quotient to 0 and bring down the second bit of the dividend. But if the dividend is larger, multiply the divisor by 1 and subtract the result. Then, find the remainder, repeat the first step, and continue until the remainder is 0

Based on what you find online, fill out the tables below for subtracting, multiplying, and dividing binary numbers (0.45):

Subtracting Rules

1-1 1-0 0-1 0-0
0 1 1 0

Multiplying Rules

1x1 1x0 0x1 0x0
1 0 0 0

Dividing Rules

1/1 0/1
1 0