Collegeboard Unit 1.2 Notes + Quiz

  • Categories of innnovations: Applications (games, social media, etc.), Physical Devices (phones, computers, etc.), and Systems (E-commerce, E-mail, cloud services)
  • Computer Programs accept input in many ways (touch, audio, visual, text)
  • Many programs are written in an event driven environement
  • “Events” are triggered by some action, which usually sends input to the program
  • Input usually affects the output
  • What is a program? A program is a collection of statements. A statement is a single command. A group of statements is called a code segment. Code segments are executed according to the rules of the programming language.

Collegeboard Unit 1.3 Notes + what to improve on

  • How programs are developed: Starts with an idea, then programs are developed with a specific purpose, then developers follow specific steps and stick to their plan
  • Developers start investigating the problem/purpose and reflect
  • Developers must
    1. determine the requirments of the program
    2. understand the contraints
    3. understand the user concerns and interests
  • How do developers investigate?
    1. surverys
    2. user testing
    3. interviews
    4. direct observations
  • Developers design the program by:
    1. brainstorming (draw on investigation)
    2. planning user experience
    3. laying out the user interface
    4. organizing into modules
  • prgram development is almost never a solo endeavor (work with your team)
  • When does documentation happen?
    1. at the beginning: list specifications
    2. during: to keep track of process
    3. after: to explain the overall process
  • documentation throughout can improve efficiency of overall programming process + programmers’ ability to test and refine the program
  • maybe read more carefully as a whole
  • focus on key words and phrases test

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