3.1 Variables and Assignments

- Variables are abstractions within programs which represent a value
- Values can be individual data points or a list/collection that contains many data values
- Types of data: numbers, Booleans (T/F), lists, and string
- can be achieved in both python and javascript

3.2 Data Abstraction

- Data abstraction provides a separation between the abstract properties of a data type and the concrete details of its representation
data abstractions manage complexity in programs by giving a collection of data a name without refrencing the specific elements of the representation
- Data Abstraction makes it easier to implement, develop and maintain code
- The use of lists allows for multiple related values to be treated as a single value
- In AP exam the index values for lists start rom 1 and not 0 like in python.


data = [104, 101, 4, 105, 308, 103, 5, 107,
        100, 306, 106, 102, 108]    # list of the different numerical values
min_valid = 100  # minimum value
max_valid = 200  # maximum value

for i in range (len(data)): 
    if data[i] > max_valid:
    elif data[i] < min_valid:
        print(data[i], i)
4 2
308 4
5 6
306 9


albums = [
    ("Welcome to my Nightmare", "Alice Cooper", 1975,   # First album list
         (1, "Welcome to my Nightmare"),
         (2, "Devil's Food"),
         (3, "The Black Widow"),
         (4, "Some Folks"),
         (5, "Only Women Bleed"),
    ("Bad Company", "Bad Company", 1974,   # Second album list
         (1, "Can't Get Enough"),
         (2, "Rock Steady"),
         (3, "Ready for Love"),
         (4, "Don't Let Me Down"),
         (5, "Bad Company"),
         (6, "The Way I Choose"),
         (7, "Movin' On"),
         (8, "Seagull"),
    ("Nightflight", "Budgie", 1981,
         (1, "I Turned to Stone"),
         (2, "Keeping a Rendezvous"),
         (3, "Reaper of the Glory"),
         (4, "She Used Me Up"),
    ("More Mayhem", "Imelda May", 2011,
         (1, "Pulling the Rug"),
         (2, "Psycho"),
         (3, "Mayhem"),
         (4, "Kentish Town Waltz"),

album = input("What album do you want")
song = input("What song do you want")
song_name = albums[int(album)-1][3][int(song)-1][1]
print(f"Now playing '{song_name}'")
Now playing 'Kentish Town Waltz'