Plan for quiz on applab (multiplication quiz)

In my quiz, I want to try to have an infinite amount of questions by using the random number block of code. In addition, I plan on adding sound effects when getting a question right and wrong. I want to add three pages on app lab: Start screen, quiz screen, and a result screen. In my result screen, I want to add a final score thing (something out of something, for example). I would start by defining all my variables at the top, then creating my functions of code.

  • step 1: defining all variables (var)
  • step 2: creating functions for showing questions, showing results, etc.
  • step 3: create on-event code that will display the home screen, allow for user input such as clicking the start button, and creating a correct/wrong counter.
  • step 4: using the random number command, create infinite amount of multiplication questions
  • step 5: create code that will let user click to finish quiz or return to home screen and reset all stats

Success in quiz

  • easy to understand
  • easy to navigate as a whole
  • simple

Challenges in quiz

  • creating two different on event functions within the same function got pretty complicated at one point and I had to be really careful
